On the cold hard bathroom floor

She crumples in despair

Hitting and punching the hurt away

Desperately pulling at her hair

You see, she knows this physical pain

She inflicts upon herself

Replaces the mental torture

Wreaking havoc on her health

It’s a temporary release

The guilt leaves her feeling worse

She feels that there is no way out

Of this evil, all consuming, life destroying curse

It took years until she realised

That she could make a change

With the tiniest strength left inside

She felt things differently, she began to feel quite strange

Strangeness in a sense of strength 

She never believed she possessed 

Yet in her weakest moments

She found it in deep rest

Now in that time of rest, greater strength was found

She picked her body piece by piece 

Slowly from the ground

Fractured little pieces

Of her life lay on the floor

Patiently she takes each piece

Gently rebuilding her castle once more

She prays this is the final time

She won’t crash down again

but if she does, she reminds herself 

Of her new found inner strength

You might believe you don’t have it

She understands, as she believed that too

That is why she shares her truths

Saying ‘I’ve been there and I see you’

That inner strength she talks about

It’s not too hard to find

It’s just buried deep under all the struggles

You find it when you start being kind

Kind in the words that you use

When speaking of yourself

Kind in the thoughts going through your mind

In the days that don’t go so well

In those kind moments, your self shares with you

A trusted bond is formed

Something very magical happens

A light comes shining through

That light shines it’s beam as you gently move the struggles aside, lifting the heavy weight

The light reveals the beauty of that inner strength, embrace, believe, soak it in

It’s there, it’s yours, now is your time

It’s never ever too late