My heart is wishing you back for even just one day
I want to feel your presence and listen to what you have to say
Adult me wants to hear your story
Of life and love and all it’s glory
Adult me wants to hear your pain
What did it teach you
What did you gain
Adult me wants to know what you see
When you’re where you are now looking down on me
I was the apple of your eye
You were mine too
Suddenly you left me
My heart broke in two
Shattered little pieces of love
My hero was gone
To somewhere above
Life moves along
Time passes so fast
I worry I’ll forget you
That our bond couldnt last
Your life ended as my teenage years began
I blocked it out buried the grief
Said to myself
just do the best you can
So here I am 3 kids of my own
I pray you can see them
See how we’ve grown
My heart is no longer broken it healed along the way
your soul I feel is here
With me it will forever stay